The Crew is my worldwide wellness community of like-valued Men and Women who are committed to #MakeThrivingStandard in their life, breaking generational curses, and making a positive impact in the world. 

We value collaboration over competition, holistic healing, living with purpose, and freedom 🏴‍☠️   

It doesn't matter where you're starting (from lazy couch potato to an avid health pirate like me), The Crew provides value for all who are willing to receive it.

Will you join us?


"It's time to become THE CAPTAIN of your own life!" - Captain Taylor Morgan

Have you been playing a VICTIM to your circumstances and making excuses as to why you're not yet where you want to be? 

Are you frustrated, stressed out, and unfulfilled with your current lifestyle?

I believe about 99% of people fall into this category, not reaching their full potential.

But when they're asked, "How're you doing?" their response is always...

"Pretty good. You?"

It's difficult for most of us to admit the problems we're struggling with because we've been conditioned to think that it's a sign of weakness.

Following this pattern of covering up your struggles is largely what sabotages your relationships, health, and overall quality of life.

I'm always gonna be real with you...

That's a false view of "strength." In fact, REAL strength is just the opposite: Honest and Vulnerable.

What would it feel like to know you’re a part of the 1% of people navigating the world as a Leader who is confidentpurpose-driven, and in love with life…


Not some fake personality that you put on as mask to hide your fears and insecurities. 

This path involves you trying to desperately escape from the reality you’re currently living...


99% of people do this by indulging in the vices they know will make them feel comfortable such as…








Start Becoming The Captain of your own life!

Join The Crew

No more dragging through life on autopilot. The Crew will help you identify your blind spots and inspire you to improve, supporting you every step of the way.

Commit to Yourself

Develop the Discipline and Drive to actually stick to new lifestyle habits, without falling off track... again.

Optimize your Health & Productivity

Take back your energy and kiss procrastination goodbye! Sculpt your brain and body to feel like a true Captain.


Perks of Crew Membership

Personal Coaching from The Captain

I no longer respond to DMs on social media.

Joining The Crew allows you to engage with me directly and connect with our community on a personal level.

Weekly Check-In Calls

Crew Members get access to 60min of live coaching, accountability, and Q&A each week! 

Connect with your fellow Crew members, learn how to make better decisions and conquer that voice inside your head that keeps sabotaging you.


Monthly Masterminds and Breathwork Sessions

Each month I have an expert guest speaker from my network host a private session just for Crew Members. My breathwork coach, Nate Baumgardner also hosts monthly breathwork sessions for us.

Morning & Evening Rituals

You'll receive in-depth video explanation of my high-performance morning (CAGES) and evening rituals (The 4-3-2-1-30 Method)

These routines are designed to naturally boost your energy and skyrocket your productivity so you can conquer your days without feeling overwhelmed.

High-Performance Knowledge Database

Get access to my continuously updated library of holistic health & wellness information. Topics include: Mindset, Stress, Nutrition, Exercise, Sleep, and MORE!

 The Program

By joining The Crew, you can now access The Program, my 12 week lifestyle optimization bootcamp designed to guide you along your journey as you transform your entire existence so you can finally manifest your dreams.

A bold claim, I know.

I teach you how to reprogram your mind, revitalize your body, and rejuivinate your soul.

Learn how to cultivate the courage and discipline required to create the life you've always wanted and T.H.R.I.V.E. as The Captain of your own life.

 The Excursion

Crew Members get access to The Excursion, my in-person wellness retreat I host twice a year in May and September.

Heal generational trauma and create generational freedom while having more fun than you thought possible! 

I'm willing to bet that the reason you’re reading this is because you have a burning desire to conquer this inner bitch, the critical voice that keeps sending you back to the void of pleasure-seeking and instant gratification.


You know that the only way you can feel the sense of fulfillment you so deeply desire is by winning this war. 




The GREATEST BATTLES you’ll ever fight are with yourself...


Self-mastery is the way. 


And if you want to be a part of the 1% who actually get what they want from life in all areas…




You have to demand the best from yourself.


You have to be eager to face challenge.


You have to put aside the desire to be comfortable.


And above all, you’ve got to get vulnerable enough to talk about and heal from your traumas that have created all types of limiting beliefs and self-sabotaging behavior


But again, you already knew that, didn’t you?




The reason most people never win the internal war is because they try to do everything themselves, alone. 


But as the saying goes…

“Part of The Ship, Part of The Crew.”


Understand this, most of our time on this planet has been spent within a tribe protecting and supporting our loved ones.


Because of this, we are predisposed to view ourselves in relationship to other members of a group. A team. A Crew. 


For tens of thousands of years, we lived in tribes and real communities with people we could depend on and trust. 


We are communal and what you’re missing from your life is a Crew of like-valued individuals. 


And this is why most people continue to lose this internal war day after day…


The infinite source of motivation, willpower, and drive you’re looking for to achieve whatever you want to in this lifetime…


Will come from The Crew Members who inspire you and call you forward to overcome your excuses.


Crew Members join a lifelong community of high performers who connect, network, and support each other daily as well as meet up in person


There may be a part of you that wants to experience The Crew…

And another part of you that is hesitant to apply because you know this is going to demand a lot from you…
I want you to understand this is an example of the internal war you go through every day…

You’re going to have to choose which voice you listen to…

But understand there are only 3 possible paths you can take right now.
Path #1 is listening to the critic, the voice that wants comfort…
Path #2 is indecision: letting the voices battle it out…
(Which is stressful and usually leads to feeling guilty and ashamed, I’ve been there.)
Path #3 is listening to the voice that wants excellence, The Captain. 
For far too long you’ve allowed the inner critic to negotiate your way out of decisions that would have been good for you. 
It’s really that simple.
If you go with path 1 or 2, understand you fall into the 99% of people who don’t get what they want from life.
These are the people who live in the sea of mediocrity and spend the second part of their life drowning in regret. 
If you go with path #3 and join The Crew, you’ll sail through life knowing you’re a part of the top 1% in the world who can get what they want in life.
You’ll have a growing group of Loving Leaders in your tribe that you can call on and network with. 
Imagine the level of confidence that will bring you…
Imagine the types of opportunities that would open up to you…
Imagine how much better you’d be able to lead your life, your family, and those around you…
The choice is yours.

Which voice are you going to listen to?